This program is the result of the Bike On New Zealand Charitable Trust whose main objective is to enable all New Zealand children to ride a bike on a regular basis.
The BIS package includes; Bikes, Track, Storage, helmets, and cycle skills training. Schools own and maintain the equipment and they remain within the school grounds. They can then be used as part of the school’s teaching and physical education curriculum.
Bike Northland’s role in BIS is in an advisory capacity assisting with the initial funding and implementation process and then delivering cycle skills training to all students. Bike Northland can help schools with ideas on how to manage and maintain their track and bikes as well as funding sources. Bike On Trust and Waka Kotahi are also valuable sources of advice and funding.
Bikes in Schools in Northland
We currently have more than 25 schools in Northland that already have the Bikes in Schools programme. 17 of these are within the Whangarei District. That’s a total of nearly 4,000 students across Northland, 3,500 in the Whangarei District who have regular access to riding bikes.
Read testimonials from school staff and students…
Which schools in Northland already have BIS?
- Hikurangi
- Horahora
- Hurupaki
- Kaurihohore
- Kerikeri Primary
- Kokopu
- Morningside
- Ohaeawai
- Onerahi
- Otaika Valley
- Paparoa
- Poroti
- Portland
- Raurimu
- Ruakaka
- Ruawai
- St Francis Xavier
- Te Horo
- Te Kopuru
- Waipu
- Whananaki
- Whangarei Intermediate
- Whangarei Primary
- Whau Valley
Are you interested in getting the Bikes in Schools programme into your school? Contact Us at
More resources and links can be found on our Resources for Schools page