The Bike Park is not limited to use by cyclists only. Other sporting codes and recreational groups or corporate bodies are welcome. The Bike Park is owned and maintained by Whangarei District Council.
The Bike Park can be booked for community-based events and activities. Not all activities require a permit application or booking. However, organisers should be aware of their responsibilities and consider what they need to do to ensure the safety of the public and all participants. The calendar below shows what activities are currently planned at the bike park.
Calendar of events
January 2025 |
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
Please email if you would like to have your event or activity included in the calendar. It is your responsibility to ensure all necessary notifications and permits are obtained before your event. Please read the guidelines below for further information.
Guidelines for organisers of events and activities at the Bike Park
- Ensure you are aware of the Bike Park Rules and Etiquette
- Check the weather forecast – it is the responsibility of the coach/organiser to decide whether it is safe enough to proceed.
- Event organisers need to make every effort to ensure the public is notified ahead of the date of the event of the day and times if the facility will be closed to public use.
- Ensure you are familiar with Council Smokefree and Vapefree Policy
- Ensure participants are aware of car parking options, note there are several other car parks close to the Bike Park.
- Encourage a culture of adhering to the Ministry of Health guidelines for events.
- Events on the Circuit Track need to consider the additional items;
- Every effort must be made to ensure that members of the public do not inadvertently enter the circuit track during racing. The attached graphic shows the recommended management processes. PIBP Circuit track guidelines diagram
- Physical barrier from BMX entrance to corner by the shared path; eg. cones with extendable poles between them
- Marshals at all potential points of entry; Te Matua Pohe, BMX entrance, Shared path
- Marshals ideally have a line of sight to each other and means of communicating
- Flashing lights and/or signage at start/finish point as a warning
As a general rule if you will be doing any of the following you will need to complete the WDC permit application form.
- Will you be selling food?
- Do you intend to sell or allow alcohol at your event or market?
- Does your event require access to electricity, lighting, or water?
- Will your event have a marquee or stage?
- Do you intend to use amplifiers or loud hailers?
- Will your event disrupt the normal flow of traffic or require vehicles inside the event area?
The permit application with Whangarei District Council can be accessed here.
The application form covers everything Council needs to know about your event. The bigger events will be required to provide supporting documentation such as Health & Safety Plans, Waste Management Plans, and Traffic Management Plans. WDC will work with organisers should additional information be required.
Please notify us of your event or training session even if you do not require exclusive use of any part of the park, or require a permit at Include details about what you intend to do, when, who, and whether you require exclusive use or not. That way we can add your event to the calendar below.
Note: Vehicle access is by exception only and should be kept to a minimum. If you require access to deliver equipment to the area around the building vehicles should be unloaded on the south side of the building and taken back down to the main car park. If vehicles do need to be parked for a length of time, they should be kept on the Dave Culham Drive side of the asphalted area. Parked vehicles should not impede public access at all or be positioned where they may pose a health and safety risk.